
02/11/2009: "Brewblogue: Dojibiron Red ^^;"

Listening to: LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
Current mood: whoops

Cripe, I meant to blog this beer last saturday when I did it. Oh well, better late than never.

Water: However much gallons filtered San Diego tap (probably 6.5 gallons total?)

  • 7.25lb British Pale
  • 0.25lb Crystal 40
  • 0.25lb Crystal 120
  • 0.25lb Roasted Barley

Yeast: 1 Vial WLP004 - Irish Ale Yeast
Hops: 21g East Kent Golding @ 60min

Mashed at 153 for 65 minutes. Boiled 70 minutes.
Added 1 Gallon filtered water to top

OG: 1.070 - diluted to ~1.053

So, at least as far as non-Belgian non-sour ales go, I think Irish Reds are Lynnea's favorite, and yet I'd never made one (I really ought to work on a Belgian or two one of these days...). So, I um, did. I tried to talk myself out of it, insisting to myself that brewing is a huge pain in arse (I can say arse, it's an Irish ale after all) but in the end I was out and about on a friday for reasons unrelated and lazing out to point of not going and buying supplies from the Home Brew Mart seemed ridiculous. Plus it's actually cold in San Diego these days which means I can actually brew something and it'll ferment at reasonable temperatures for once.

As far as the brew session itself goes, this was basically far too easy. It was probably one of the most hassle-free brew sessions I can remember. Which is not to say it wasn't exhausting, but brewing is always exhausting (I can't believe some people brew for "fun"... I just do it cause I'm cheap and I like beer). The only thing that went wrong was that I once again completely overshot my gravity. I ended up at 1.070 when I was supposed to be around 1.050. I don't really like diluting (for sanitation reasons) but when you're that far over, it about all you can do. I'm not sure why I keep ending up so high, I must just be way overcorrecting for my slightly low mash efficiency. Or I may have overboiled as well. I did three small pots in addition to the big one. Speaking of which:



Yeah, that took awhile to clean up. Anyway, as for the name... School Rumble fans will get the joke. Or at least some of them might (I had to remind Lynnea). It may be one of the nerdiest beer names I've ever come up with, and you're talking to the man that invented Nut Brown Jenkins.

Replies: 1 Comment

He he he... you are such a beer nerd!
The only unfortunate part of having the beer fermenting is that now Matthew won't let us turn the heater on for fear that it'll ruin the beer.

[Lynnea] on Wednesday, February 11th

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