08/06/2006: "Brew Day #2"
Listening to: UNKLE - Never Never LandCurrent mood: preparatory
Well, once again I've gone a little too long without blogging anything. And once again some things actually happened in the meantime. Mainly Pat and I ended up walking like four and a half miles around downtown on the hottest and most humid day, not only of the summer, but of the past 40 years or something like that. And Pat almost died from it, but that's neither here nor there.
But that's not why I'm blogging. I'm blogging because I'm brewing again today. Huzzah and all that. Of course, I've yet to drink any of my first batch, which I'll also be bottling this afternoon (and in fact, it will be another 2 weeks before that can properly be drunk, though I suspect I'll try a couple early for scientific purposes). For this beer though, I'm going a completely different route from the last one. This time I'm planning on doing a California Common (ala the always delicious Anchor Steam), which is basically a decently hopped beer that uses lager yeast but is fermented at ale temperatures. Should be nice for late summer, early fall refreshment. It's sort of funny going from a beer that had what, 14 ingredients?, to one that only has 5. I keep looking at my recipe and thinking, um, doesn't this need way more stuff?
Anyway, we're hopefully getting started a little earlier in the day this time, so I should have the brewblogue posted tonight, not that anyone cares, but hey.
Replies: 2 Comments
You forgot to mention the darling name of your Calif. Common. Are you gonna tell us in your next post? I can't wait!
[Lynnea] on Sunday, August 6th
I'm ready to put those goggles on, son.
[mary] on Sunday, September 3rd