06/21/2004: "Left Brain Sleep"
Listening to: indienowCurrent mood: out of it
So I must be in pretty bad shape today or something. All I know that I woke up exhausted (and incidentally almost slept through my midterm) and that people keep thinking there's something wrong with me. Lynnea called me earlier and on hearing my voice asked me if I was ok. Matt called me a little later and thought that he'd woken me up. Also my brain seems to be taking even longer than normal to parse through human speech and extract the meaning therein. I think about a minute went by before I realized that the guy from Pete's Quality Meats had asked if I wanted my order to go. Luckily he just assumed.
On the other hand my creative ablities seem to be functioning quite well. I've been minorly obsessed with bats lately, so while waiting for Illustrator to finish crunching something I drew this cute little cartoon bat on a sticky note then cut him out and stuck him under my monitor. Which made me happy. Also Lynnea made some joke the other day about having a bat and a butterfly on our wedding invitations (which I have been slacking horribly in designing) so in another slow spot I designed a bat and butterfly invitation and sent it to her as a joke (Hopefully she checks her email before reading this and so doesn't spoil the surprise, but there's little danger of that). So all together I'm fairly sure that means that the left side of my brain just never woke up this morning. That's silly you say, even if such a thing were possible you wouldn't be able to write in that situation. All I have to say is that you have no idea how many typos I'm making right now.