06/11/2004: "St. Regan's Day"
Listening to: New Order - Low LifeCurrent mood: not entirely settled
Happy Regan's Day to all my fellow Californians out there. Everybody remembered to send out their Regan's Day cards right? Good. Hmm, so that means that last night was Regan's Eve. And here I didn't even celebrate. Man, do I ever feel foolish. So I think in honor of Regan's Day this year I'm gonna listen to some dub. It just seems fitting somehow.
Despite incredible grogginess this morning I'm actually feeling pretty good now that I've got a little C8H10N4O2 in my system. And why not? The entire weekend stretches out vast and silky before me like so much chocolate pie. I shall eat the pie of life down to the cookie crust! Or spend 8+ hours reading old X-Men comics. One of the two. (Though perhaps I can make time for both). Seriously, old comic books have begun to take over my life lately. I just sit in my room for hours burning stick after stick of incense, listening to indie rock and reading comics. It's not a bad life I guess, I could do worse. I try to consider reading X-Men 100-150 in two weekends a feat rather than a sign of some kind of serious problem. Ah well, at least it keeps me off the streets.