10/31/2007: "All Hallows Even"
Listening to: Joy Electric - The Art and Craft of Popular Music disc 1Current mood: festive
Happy Halloween! Woo!
No, I'm not drunk or anything. It's just a rather cheerful evening in our apartment tonight, so I thought hey, why not post a little something while I'm in a good mood for once? Part of my cheerfulness is definitely due to dinner. We had bratwurst, sauerkraut, some remarkably good garlic/sour cream/paprika mashed potatoes I somehow put together (there's about a 30% chance when I make mashed potatoes that they'll actually turn out really good... they're always edible, but sometimes I manage some tasty ones) and of course a bit of beer. You know, sometimes I'm fairly certain that there's pretty much nothing that beats German food. I mean, the apartment smells like heaven right now. Literally. In fact, I think the Norse had a way better conception of a desirable afterlife than all that stupid cloud-and-harp business. A big hall full of beer and sausages sounds way more my speed. (Of course, I'm also often convinced that there's nothing better than Japanese food, or Indian food, or...) And we have chocolate peanut-butter pie for dessert! w00t!
Other than that we're not really doing anything much for the holiday... just pumpin' the JoyE. We may put on a spooky movie of some sort later, I'm not sure. Lynnea actually dressed up in her usual pink fairy costume for work today, which she always loves to do. My little H broke though, so I couldn't do my usual costume of a hologram from Red Dwarf. I did wear a little foam bat slap bracelet (not a slap bracelet with bats on it, oh no! rather the whole bracelet is shaped like a bat!) and nobody at work said anything about it. I mean not one single word. It was remarkable.
Anyway, that's all I really have to say other than that I hope everybody out there is having a fun night. Yay, Halloween!
Replies: 3 Comments
Yeah! for halloween. It's so spooky and fun.
~the little pink fairy
[Lynnea] on Wednesday, October 31st
Or it was NOT remarkable, as the case may be.
[Matt] on Thursday, November 1st
Wow, I got to drag and vampire for all hallow's this year. In any case, haven't seen you or Lynnea in a bat's age. I'm glad all's chiropto-bracelets, beer, and blogging and whatnot. Yeah, I used 'and' twice in one sentence. What of it? What?
[mary] on Friday, November 9th